Kristin, Jason, and sweet Sydney also came for the weekend. It was Sydney's first time to meet her Uncle Matt. She had already heard a ton about him but she wanted to find out for herself.
Of course she loved him and he the same. But note how she already is throwing the first punch. You better watch out Uncle Matt!!!
Then there are my ACU tennis friends. We spent Saturday morning playing tennis and having a blast. Every year when I come back for the alumni and I reminded of how blessed I was to be a part of such an amazing program. I was also lucky to have the best coach ever. Hutton knows how to have a good time but also is a great role model showing that living for Jesus is amazing.
I also got to see my friend Julie. I was Julie's high school coach last year in Frenship. She is definitely the little sister I never had. Crazy to think that in just over a year two people whose ages are quite different can become so close! Julie and I played doubles together at the alumni tournament and we kicked bootie!!! And then I played the most amazing set of singles ever against the number one girl. I only lost 6-4. I have never been so proud of losing!!!
Anyways, back to Jules. Matt and I drug her around ACU giving her a most in-depth tour. What a trouper!! It was so good to spend some good quality time with her. Julie Bell-I love you!!
And of course we cannot go to Abilene without seeing the Scott, Wendy and Casen Kilmer. We went to Highland Sunday morning. And what always follows: Fuji's!!!! The whole crew (dad, Julie, Jason, Sydney, Kristin, Mom, Matt, Wendy, Scott, Casen is hidden, and me taking the picture!) What a great way to end a fantastic weekend.
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